They done it again...they successfully blocked Canada's busiest bridge for an hour during morning peak hour. About 100 of these ''future leaders'' enraged commuters today to protest the tuition fee hike.
Something is bound to happen; Some trucker will take their tire stick to their stupid heads one of these days....
Police took an hour to intervene, but it was hilarious: The protesters, who saw the motorcade of SWAT team coming toward them just upped and left, thinking they we just gonna get back on their 2 buses and leave like nothing happened. The cops, who I must say were BRILLIANT, let them get back to the bus, board them, and massively arrested them by surrounding the buses LMAO!!!!
Images: TVA nouvelles
They now face fines up to 494$, for disrupting traffic. Good...Now they'll have to pay that too lollll!!!
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